In this and in the next message we learn why our Blessed Mother needs our prayers at the foot of the Cross so much: for the peace of the world which Satan wants to destroy. It was on the Cross Jesus "reconciled the world with the Father," "destroyed the hostility in his own person," "making peace through his death on the cross."
In union with our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross we learn to experience the victory of Jesus over the Evil One. It was through the death of Jesus that the 'life-giving Spirit' was given to us to 'renew the face of the earth' (Cf. John 7:39, Psalm 104.30). Therefore, we cannot experience the joy and the liberating power of God's Holy Spirit, the transforming power of God's love, until first we have knelt at the foot of the Cross, and acknowledged Christ Jesus to be our Saviour and Lord.