We come now to the most important piece in God's armour in our defence against the "devil's tactics": the Holy Cross through which Jesus wrought our salvation and rescued us from the power of darkness. We may apply St. Paul's description for this armour: "And then you must take salvation as your helmet" (Ephesians 6:17).
The Cross of Jesus is at the heart of everything that happens at Medjugorje. It is before the Crucifix the visionaries are experiencing their vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was at the foot of the Cross that she became the "new Eve," our Mother, and now she wants to lead us to the Cross of Jesus to experience the transforming power of the Cross as she experienced it, to be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus opened for us so that we may find there refuge, solace and strength. At the foot of the Cross Mary's prayers became our prayers, and our prayers become Mary's prayers, a power in Mary's hands against Satan. This is why she is asking for our prayers and sacrifices.