Just as the gift of prayer in the individual is the work of the Holy Spirit (see Phase Two), so also the formation of a praying community, whether that of the family, group of friends, or parish, is the work of the Holy Spirit. The birth of the Church came about on Pentecost through the power of the Holy Spirit in the midst of a praying community (Acts 1:14). In every Holy Mass the celebrant prays on behalf of the worshipping community that the same Holy Spirit may make us into one body of Christ. "Grant that we who are nourished by His Body and Blood, may be filled with his Holy Spirit, and become one body, one spirit in Christ" (Third Eucharistic Prayer).
In this message our Blessed Mother asks us to pray to the Holy Spirit for two special favours:
(a) to recognise Our Lady's message as God's messages to us;
(b) to discern the many graces God is offering us through prayer, especially through shared prayer about which our Blessed Mother is instructing us in this phase.
This is the first step towards the formation of a praying community, united in heart and mind.