Madonna of Graces Sanctuary, Corato
October 27-28, 2005
At the end of the “3rd International Congress about the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta” that took place at the Madonna of Graces Sanctuary – Oasis of Nazareth in Corato on the days 27-28, October 2005, in preparation for the “Session of closing of the Diocesan inquiry for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God”, I wish to offer my greeting to everyone present and also to all those not able to take part who have followed us spiritually with prayer.
Approximately six hundred participants, provincials from sixteen nations of four continents, have followed with close attention the speeches of the speakers and gone through days of intense communion sharing the joy of meeting again brothers united by the same ideal of the “Divine Volition.”
Now at the conclusion of this experience of Grace, as Pastor of the beloved Church in Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, I feel in my heart the assuming on myself of the commitments stemming from this Congress.
1. To reinforce the unity and the communication between the sister Dioceses in which are found individual people, groups and associations who are inspired by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and know her writings. I intend to do this through:
- the sending of the proceedings of the Congress and a summary video of it to the Bishops and to the persons responsible for the various groups and associations;
- the deference to the responsibility of each Bishop with regard to his Church, in full availability of collaboration;
- the correct information about the development of the Cause of Beatification by means of the publication of an international news report;
- the publication of the writings of the Servant of God, reviewed by me, under my responsibility as Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie;
2. To edit the critical edition of the writings of “Luisa Piccarreta” under my responsibility as Archbishop. I intend to do this by setting up a team of critic theologians guided by an expert in spiritual mysticism theology and open to valid contributions from other members of different Dioceses. In this regard I reaffirm that the property of the writings and, therefore, the right of publishing them is entirely of the Archdioceses of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie.
3. To draft a critical biography edited by the Diocesan postulator Don Sabino Lattanzio.
4. To appoint the postulator for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization with residence in Rome.
Let us invoke over each one a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that we can understand and live the Will of God, and under the powerful protection of Maria Theotocos, advance on the way of sanctification.
Assuring you of my blessing, I great each one of you,
Trani, October 28, 2005
† Giovan Battista Pichierri