1. Opening Prayers
Silently and repeatedly Invoking the Divine Will (as requested by Jesus)
e.g. “Come Divine Will, come pray in me,”
“Jesus wants to Pray so I Pray with Him.”
Followed by Prayer to Queen of the Kingdom:
“My Mother, I love you. Love me, too,
and give me a sip of the Will of God for my soul.
give me your blessing also,
that I might do all my actions
under your maternal gaze. Amen.”
2. Divine Will Chaplet (St. Hannibal di Francia)
Begin: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be …
Large Beads: Glory be to the Father …
Small Beads: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
End: Lord Jesus, we praise You, we love You, we bless You
and we thank You with the Father and the Holy Spirit
in Your holy and eternal Divine Will. Amen
3. Reading [Book of Heaven / HOTP / Our Lady’s Lessons etc]
- read once aloud
- re-read silently to oneself
- [leader provide a prepared teaching on extract]
4. - Group Shared Reflections on reading / teaching
5. - Spontaneous Rounds [Creation/Redemption/Sanctification]
in the light of the Reading / Teaching
- quietly within oneself (a few minutes)
- aloud, in turn, (no more than 2-3 examples per person)
- 20-30 seconds silence between shared rounds
making the previous person’s rounds your own
6. Intercessory Prayer – in the light of readings/teachings
7. Beatification Prayer for Luisa Piccarreta