1st day: Matthew 6:24-34. (Thursday)
Decision for God - Trust in God’s providence - Priority of God’s kingdom.
2nd day: John 19:25-27. (Friday)
Jesus gave us his Mother to protect us, to teach and lead us on our way to God’s salvation.
Cf. John 2:1-5. “Do whatever he tells you.”
3rd day: Genesis 3:15. (Saturday)
Our Lady is the “woman” of the Bible, promised to be the one who with Jesus is to crush the head of the serpent, and who leads God’s children in the battle against Satan. (Revelation 12:1,17).
4th day: Isaiah 55:1-3. (Sunday)
Divine wisdom offered free. Cf. Revelation 21:6; Revelation 22:17.
5th day: John 6:44-45. (Monday)
We are taught by God through Jesus who is our life.
Cf. John 6:34-35; Jeremiah 31:33-34.
6th day: Galatians 4:4-7. (Tuesday)
“God sent his Son, born of a woman.”
We are receiving Jesus our life through Mary. Cf. Luke 2:29-32.
7th day: Luke 11:1-4. (Wednesday)
Jesus is teaching us to pray. Our Lady leads the Church in prayer
(Cf. Acts 1:14) In prayer we learn God’s ways, his plan (Cf. Isaiah 2:3).
In future weeks there will be a suggested practical response or a suggested prayer in the light of the week’s readings.