Our Lady's love for us, the cause of our joy.
“Dear children! Today I want to thank you for all your sacrifices, but special thanks to those who come here gladly and have become dear to my heart. There are, however, many parishioners who do not listen to my messages; but because of those who are especially close to my heart, I am giving messages to the parish. And I will continue giving them, for I love you and want you to spread my messages with your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Commentary on Mary's Message by Mgr. George Tutto (Author of Living the Gospel With Our Lady)
After the previous exercises one should not be surprised that our Blessed Mother gives this beautiful message - revealing her own joy and gratitude on account of the loving response by her children. This message gives us also a special reason to praise and thank God for giving us such a wonderful Mother who is indeed the "cause of our joy," as we pray in the Litany of Our Lady. We rejoice that despite some setbacks she continues her mission through Medjugorje, urging and inspiring us to spread her messages, that is, the messages of the Good News, with our heart, by our life of love.
1st day: Matthew 7:7-11. (Monday)
Effective prayer.
2nd day: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-14. (Tuesday)
Our Lady's gratitude is echoed in St. Paul’ gratitude to the Christians at Thessalonia for accepting God's word.
3rd day: Genesis 18:22-33. (Wednesday)
Abraham intercedes for Sodom. God is willing to spare the lives of people even for the sake of a few
(Our Lady continues her mission for the sake of those who accepted her message).
Genesis 18:22-33.
22 So the men turned from there, and went toward Sodom; but Abraham still stood before the LORD. 23 Then Abraham drew near, and said, "Wilt thou indeed destroy the righteous with the wicked?
4th day: John 13:34-35. (Thursday)
The example of brotherly love will be the best way of spreading Our Lady’s messages calling us to live the Gospel of Jesus.
John 13:34-35.
34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
5th day: Romans 6:13-14. (Friday)
Giving one’s life over to God, so that sin may have no power over us. Cf. Romans 12:1.
Romans 6:13-14.
13 Do not yield your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but yield yourselves to God as men who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness. 14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.
Romans 12:1.
1 I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
6th day: Romans 6:22-23. (Saturday)
Gift of holiness and eternal life through serving God.
Romans 6:22-23.
22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the return you get is sanctification and its end, eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
7th day: Daniel 3:52-90. (Sunday)
The song of the three young men praising God in the midst of fire.
God rescues those who put all their trust in him.
Daniel (New Jerusalem 3:52-90.)
Daniel (RSV 3:28-68)
28 Then the three, as with one mouth, praised and glorified and blessed God in the furnace, saying:
29 Blessed art thou, O Lord, God of our fathers, and to be praised and highly exalted for ever; 30 And blessed is thy glorious, holy name and to be highly praised and highly exalted for ever; 31 Blessed art thou in the temple of thy holy glory and to be extolled and highly glorified for ever. 32 Blessed art thou, who sittest upon cherubim and lookest upon the deeps, and to be praised and highly exalted for ever. 33 Blessed art thou upon the throne of thy kingdom and to be extolled and highly exalted for ever. 34 Blessed art thou in the firmament of heaven and to be sung and glorified for ever. 35 Bless the Lord, all works of the Lord, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 36 Bless the Lord, you heavens, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 37 Bless the Lord, you angels of the Lord, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 38 Bless the Lord, all waters above the heaven, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 39 Bless the Lord, all powers, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 40 Bless the Lord, sun and moon, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 41 Bless the Lord, stars of heaven, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 42 Bless the Lord, all rain and dew, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 43 Bless the Lord, all winds, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 44 Bless the Lord, fire and heat, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 45 Bless the Lord, winter cold and summer heat, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 46 Bless the Lord, dews and snows, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 47 Bless the Lord, nights and days, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 48 Bless the Lord, light and darkness, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 49 Bless the Lord, ice and cold, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 50 Bless the Lord, frosts and snows, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 51 Bless the Lord, lightnings and clouds, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 52 Let the earth bless the Lord; let it sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 53 Bless the Lord, mountains and hills, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 54 Bless the Lord, all things that grow on the earth, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 55 Bless the Lord, you springs, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 56 Bless the Lord, seas and rivers, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 57 Bless the Lord, you whales and all creatures that move in the waters, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 58 Bless the Lord, all birds of the air, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 59 Bless the Lord, all beasts and cattle, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 60 Bless the Lord, you sons of men, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 61 Bless the Lord, O Israel, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 62 Bless the Lord, you priests of the Lord, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 63 Bless the Lord, you servants of the Lord, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 64 Bless the Lord, spirits and souls of the righteous, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 65 Bless the Lord, you who are holy and humble in heart, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever. 66 Bless the Lord, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael, sing praise to him and highly exalt him for ever; for he has rescued us from Hades and saved us from the hand of death, and delivered us from the midst of the burning fiery furnace; from the midst of the fire he has delivered us. 67 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures for ever. 68 Bless him, all who worship the Lord, the God of gods, sing praise to him and give thanks to him, for his mercy endures for ever.
Following Our Lady’s example let us express our thanks to people around us for all their work for us.